
Welcome to our News dedicated to the world of innovation and the people who make it happen. We bring you the latest news and insights about the Research Innovation Teams activities.

Final Session Report: Innovation Masterclass 2023-2024

The grand finale of the Innovation Masterclass 2023-2024, held on April 19, 2024, unfolded amidst the prestigious setting of the Geneva International Exhibition in Switzerland, casting a spotlight on the culmination of a year-long journey in fostering innovation and...

Report of the Eleventh Session: Innovation Masterclass 2023

Topic: Preparing the Invention to Enter the Market  The eleventh session of the esteemed Innovation Masterclass unfolded on March 15, 2024, marking yet another significant stride in the participants' journey towards mastering the art of innovation. Dr. Masoud...

Report Sessions 1-10 of Innovation Masterclass 2023: Unveiling the Path of Innovation

The Innovation Masterclass 2023 (IMC) unfolded as a transformative educational odyssey, spanning ten illuminating sessions that captivated the minds and hearts of participants hailing from 24 countries across the globe. From May 19, 2023, to February 16, 2024, this...
Report of Innovent Iran Event, January 11th 2024

Report of Innovent Iran Event, January 11th 2024

The Innovent Iran Event, collaboratively organized with various startup and international groups, including IFIA Research Innovation Teams(RIT) Department, addressed the opportunities and challenges within Iran's startup landscape, with a primary focus on artificial...

HOMA Event 2024

HOMA Event 2024

The "Artificial Intelligence, Product, and Invention - Homa" event, an intricately orchestrated and specialized gathering, unfolded on December 28, 2023, facilitated by IFIA Research Innovation Teams (RIT) Department and Filoger Group, the esteemed Artificial...