Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property (IP) is a legal concept that refers to the rights that are granted to creators and inventors over their creations and inventions. IP protection can take several forms, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. The specific type of IP protection that is appropriate for an idea, industrial design, or invention depends on the nature of the creation and the type of protection required.


In general, ideas themselves are not protectable under IP law. However, if an idea is novel and non-obvious, it may be eligible for patent protection. To be eligible for a patent, the idea must be described in sufficient detail and must be capable of being turned into a working invention.


Industrial Designs

Industrial designs are the ornamental or aesthetic aspects of a product, such as shape, pattern, or color. Industrial designs can be protected under design patents or trademarks. Design patents protect the ornamental features of a product, while trademarks protect the brand identity and reputation of a product.


Inventions can be protected under patent law, which grants the inventor exclusive rights to prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention for a certain period of time. In order to be eligible for patent protection, an invention must be new, non-obvious, and useful.



A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies a company’s products or services and distinguishes them from those of other companies. It encompasses everything that a company does to create a distinct image or identity in the minds of its target audience, including advertising, packaging, customer service, and more. A strong brand can create a loyal customer base, increase recognition, and help a company stand out in a crowded market.

In general, IP protection is important for ideas, industrial designs, and inventions because it provides a legal framework for protecting the rights of creators and inventors, and helps to prevent others from copying or infringing on their work. This, in turn, can help to encourage innovation and promote economic growth by providing a mechanism for creators and inventors to profit from their work and invest in new ideas and technologies.