
Hello, I’m Sahar

INV Member @ IFIA

Sahar Hajzeinali

If you want to choose a person to promote and guide your project, we recommend Sahar to you. You can inform her about your project through the links below.

Through this page, you can access valuable information about Sahar’s many years of experience and activities.


Researcher Development

I’m Sahar Hajzeinali, a civil engineer, creator of creative content, teacher, and inventor. As an inventor; I am a facilitator of creative thinking for children and teenagers. I teach kids between the ages of 12 to 18 how to think creatively, so they can learn to invent and become little inventors themselves. I help children to learn the path of the invention so they can elevate other aspects of themselves, such as presentation and public speaking skills, system skills, personal branding specific to their age, and the development of their individual skills. Additionally, through the inventions they create, they can participate in international competitions in the field of inventions and obtain international certifications. I am by their side throughout all stages of this path. You can visit my social media for more details.


Civil Engineer at National Projects | 2021- Present

I’ve worked as a supervisor on some construction projects.

Innovative and Invention Creativity Instructor | 2020-Present

Through my academic studies at IFIA Academy, I have learned how to guide learners toward the right path of creativity, innovation, and invention.

Education and Qualification

Educational Culture in Innovation and Invention course @ IFIA ACADEMY | 2018-2020

I’ve been trained for more than 340 hours with the following subjects:

  • Personal branding and development skills like an inventor
  • Strategic self-marketing and personal branding
  • Design thinking and creativity for innovation
  • How to design a successful business model
  • Idea, creativity, innovation, and change
  • Innovation: from plan to product
  • Genome of success 360 degrees

“Introduction to the Patent Cooperation Treaty” course @WIPO | 2019

This course provides an introduction and general overview of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), an international system that facilitates the acquisition of patents on a global scale.

IP WAVE FOR CREATIVE WOMEN LEADERS @ 11th International Academy for Women Inventors and Entrepreneurs | 2019

I had the chance to participate in the course that was held with the presence and lectures of top women and entrepreneurs in the field of intellectual property and in these two days I got to know the following topics:

  • Using the IP System to Develop and Protect an Invention
  • Protecting Creativity and Using the Creativity
  • Obtaining Patent Protection
  • Experience of Women Inventors and Entrepreneurs in Using IP System in Business Strategy.

‌B.Sc. Civil Engineering @ Islamic Azad University | 2016-2020

During my bachelor, I learned to design, build, supervise, operate, construct, and maintain infrastructure projects and systems in the public and private sector


Gold Medal of National Research Council of Thailand | 2021

Gold Medal of International Invention and Innovation Competition for IFIA INV Members, Geneva, Switzerland | 2021

Bronze Medal of Invention Salon International Des Invention, Geneva, Switzerland | 2021

Gold Medal of International Women’s Invention Exposition, Seoul, South Korea | 2019

Special prize of Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition by Korea Patent Attorneys Association | 2019

Silver Medal of International Innovation Fair (IIA), India | 2019

Special prize of Thai Innovation and Invention Promotion (ATIP), Thailand | 2019


Content Production Specialist

I’m keen on the production of creative content for social media platforms.

Graphic Design

I’m proficient in creative design and graphic design using Corel.


Public Speaking

I’ve practiced a lot to learn public speaking as a soft skill and all its requirements that are including excellent communication skills, enthusiasm, and the ability to engage with an audience.

Personal Development

As an inventor who worked with children, I’ve focused to develop my personal skills to prepare my students for this new world.