Strategic Planning Manager

Hello, I’m Mehdi

INV Member @ IFIA

Mehdi Ghasemalipour

If you want to choose a person to promote and guide your project, we recommend Mehdi to you. You can inform his about your project through the links below.

Through this page, you can access valuable information about Mehdi’s many years of experience and activities.


Strategic Planning Manager

I’m Mehdi Ghasemalipour. Over the past half-decade, I shared my innovation knowledge with more than 200 learners and advised more than 500, and teach them a variety of subjects focused on innovation and invention. I’ve helped individuals to think about the bigger picture and implement strategy into their everyday work, but also showed them how to bring people together and unite them for a single goal.  In addition, I have always sought to acquire various skills in many technical fields.


Founder of Innovation Academy | 2022-present

At Innovation Academy, quality work output is our core vision. By providing professional training at the highest international level, we try to accompany people from the idea to the commercialization of the products and expand our individual skills along the way.

Member of the Sound of Innovation TEAM | 2021-2022

In this group, our team had goals in the direction of teaching creativity, innovation & invention so that we can prepare the people of the society in different formats and get these people to patent their intellectual property so that they can flourish in international communities and invention festivals.

Co-Founder & CINO of MiM Institute | 2018-2021

Our goal in this institution was to expand knowledge for students. In order to promote this knowledge, we held many workshops and conferences in various fields, especially in the area of inventions. We also held international programs such as TEDx in this institution.

Consulting and Training in the Field of Creativity, Innovation, and Invention | 2017-Present

Being interested in learning for several years, I received more than 450 hours of training under the Federation of Inventors.

Carrying out Projects such as Electronic & Mechanical Projects and Programming | 2012 to 2017

While studying, besides acquiring knowledge, I was engaged in various research projects in the above fields in which I participated in numerous national competitions and festivals and won more than 30 top positions.

Education and Qualification

Educational Culture in Innovation and Invention Course @ IFIA ACADEMY | 2018-2020

I’ve been trained for more than 340 hours with the following subjects:

  • Personal branding and development skills like an inventor
  • Strategic self-marketing and personal branding
  • Design thinking and creativity for innovation
  • How to design a successful business model
  • Idea, creativity, innovation, and change
  • Innovation: from plan to product
  • Genome of success 360 degrees

“Introduction to the Patent Cooperation Treaty” course @WIPO | 2019

This course provides an introduction and general overview of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), an international system that facilitates the acquisition of patents on a global scale.

B.Sc. Industrial Engineering @ Tehran University | 2018-Present

As an industrial engineer, I’ve always been concerned with how to make or do things better


Impact of Using Innovation on Businesses During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Business Excellence and Management Journal | 2021

Astronomical Protractor, Published by Achievement Exhibition of NODET, Guilan Province | 2016


Bronze Medal of Invention Festival, Geneva, Switzerland | 2022

Gold Medal of Invention Festival, Kuwait | 2019

National 2nd Place in 21th Khwarizmi Young Award in the Field of Computer, Iran | 2019

Silver Medal of South Korea Invention Festival | 2018

Diploma for the Best International Invention, Nuremberg, Germany | 2018

Silver Medal of Invention Festival, Nuremberg, Germany | 2018

Bronze Medal of IIA International Innovation Fair, India | 2017

Silver Medal of Korea International Youth Olympiad | 2017

Diploma for the High Scientific and Technological Level from Ministry of Research and Innovation of Romania Presented at the 47th Edition of the International Exhibition of Inventions, Geneva | 2017

Silver Medal of Invention Festival, Geneva, Switzerland | 2017

Bronze Medal of Invention Festival, South Korea | 2016

First Place Junior Soccer B Lightweight (Super Team), Robocop, as a Member of “Mirza Allies 2”, Iran | 2016

Attaining the First Place of Aerospace Festival in Center of Excellence in Aerospace Systems in Sharif University, Iran | 2016

National 4th Place in 17th Khwarizmi Young Award in the Field of Physics and Astronomy, Iran | 2015


Creative Ideation

Either I have to find a way, or if not, I have to make it. This is how I learned to be creative.


Any accepted responsibility must be done flawlessly with the best quality since being responsible is equal to gaining credit which is paramount to me.



Although my age is too young for my experiences, it’s the result of working for many years and staying awake many nights, which is what gives me credibility.

Strategic planning

Nothing in this direction will come to the correct result without proper strategic planning and determining vision, mission, and goals. This result of appropriate strategic planning can lead to a great personal brand.