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Session 7 – The Applicability of Different Tools in Defining and Expanding Personal Brand as an Effective Inventor

November 17, 2023 | 10:00 - 16:30

Personal branding has become increasingly important for professionals in various fields, including inventors and innovators. With the rise of social media and the internet, individuals have more opportunities than ever to promote themselves and their work to a wider audience. However, creating and expanding a personal brand can be a daunting task, especially for those in technical fields who may be more focused on their inventions and less on self-promotion. In this context, Masoud Shafaghi, the Strategic Planning and Executive Office Manager of the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations, has explored the applicability of different tools in defining and expanding a personal brand as an effective inventor.

Shafaghi’s research is timely, as the world of innovation is becoming increasingly competitive. In order to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of investors, partners, and customers, inventors need to have a strong personal brand that reflects their expertise, personality, and values. Shafaghi argues that personal branding is not just about marketing oneself, but it is also about establishing credibility and building trust with the target audience.

One of the key tools that Shafaghi suggests for inventors to use in defining their personal brand is storytelling. Through storytelling, inventors can share their journey, their challenges, and their successes with their audience, and create a personal connection with them. Shafaghi emphasizes that storytelling should be authentic and should reflect the inventor’s unique voice and perspective. By sharing their story, inventors can also showcase their expertise, passion, and innovation, which can help them stand out from competitors.

Another important tool that Shafaghi discusses is networking. In the world of innovation, building a strong network is crucial for success. Networking can help inventors connect with potential partners, investors, and customers, as well as stay up-to-date with the latest trends and opportunities in their field. Shafaghi advises inventors to attend conferences, join professional associations, and engage with their peers on social media to expand their network and build relationships.

In addition to storytelling and networking, Shafaghi also highlights the importance of thought leadership in defining and expanding a personal brand. Thought leadership involves establishing oneself as an expert in a particular field and sharing valuable insights and knowledge with others. By positioning themselves as thought leaders, inventors can gain credibility and influence, and attract a wider audience to their brand. Shafaghi suggests that inventors can establish thought leadership through by writing articles, giving talks, and sharing their expertise on social media.

Finally, Shafaghi emphasizes the role of innovation in personal branding. As inventors, it is important to showcase their innovative mindset and approach to problem-solving. By highlighting their inventions and innovations, inventors can demonstrate their expertise and attract the attention of potential investors and partners. Shafaghi suggests that inventors can showcase their innovations through demos, case studies, and testimonials from satisfied customers.

In conclusion, Masoud Shafaghi’s research on the applicability of different tools in defining and expanding a personal brand as an effective inventor is a valuable contribution to the field of innovation. Through his work, Shafaghi highlights the importance of personal branding in today’s competitive world and provides practical tools and strategies for inventors to establish themselves as experts and attract the attention of potential partners and customers. By using tools such as storytelling, networking, thought leadership, and innovation, inventors can create a strong personal brand that reflects their unique voice, expertise, and values.

Workbook Session 7
The Applicability of Different Tools in Defining and Expanding Personal Brand as an Effective Inventor


November 17, 2023
10:00 - 16:30
Event Category: