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iCAN: Toronto, Canada August 24th, 2024

24 August 2024

About iCAN

International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada, iCAN organized by the Toronto International Society of Innovation and Advanced Skills (TISIAS), locally supported by Innovation Initiative Co-operative Inc., and globally supported by the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations (IFIA).

iCAN is the world-recognized premier event of Canada for inventors which has shown continuous growth and improvement since its first edition in 2016 through 2023 with each year breaking the previous year’s records for the total number of participating inventions, countries, and collaborating organizations. iCAN 2023 last year featured more than 621 inventions from 50 countries around the world.

iCAN 2024

We cordially invite you and your organization to participate in the 9th International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada, iCAN 2024 proudly organized by the Toronto International Society of Innovation & Advanced Skills (TISIAS), locally supported by Innovation Initiative Co-operative Inc. The Inventors Circle and globally supported by the International Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA) and World Invention Intellectual Property Associations (WIIPA) with media coverage by INVENTOR SOUND™ and Patent Invention Magazine.

iCAN History

The past 8 editions of iCAN from 2016~2023 featured participants from 96 countries in all continents of the world including North, Central and South Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Oceania which redefined the event as the true global stage for merging worldwide creativity and innovation in the center of the multicultural mainstream of Toronto, Canada.

Program at Glance

iCAN is a colossal confluence of many favorable programs: invention competition, keynote speakers presentations, The Finals Movie, and the iCAN Awards. Inventors, innovators, students, professors, researchers, scientists, designers, entrepreneurs, and anyone with spectacular ideas are eligible to apply to iCAN 2024 and participate in all event programs above and enjoy many benefits of participation.

Are you ready?


24 August 2024
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